Not taking into account of two world economic crisis, Qianhao has been maintaining steady growth of sales revenue each fiscal year.
Increase in profits
We measure our success on a continuous increase in earnings. We do not attempt to maximize earnings at the cost of the future.
Increase in turnover
Increasing turnover is not an end in itself. It is needed to achieve the correct company size and thus long-term profit growth. We do not aim for sales that do not make a long-term contribution to profits.
True partners,
at your side
Remain a step ahead
to anticipate your needs
Working on all fronts
to remain close to customers
Beyond the basic commercial relationships, we form true partnerships with our customers. We anticipate their needs and accompany them as their activities evolve. We share the same goals, and, like them, give top priority to quality in terms of performance, safety and productivity.

Examples of our great customers: